FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions
Everything you need to know
What is a Temporary Employment Agency?
Although many people describe a temporary employment agency as a job search agent, the temporary employment agency itself is an employer who employs people who perform work elsewhere. It is a kind of bridge between the employee and the company that needs additional staff. Other names for a temporary employment agency include an employment agency or a staffing agency. The company that uses the agency's services is called the employer-user.
What does Temporary Work mean?
Temporary work is the performance of tasks by an employee for a given employer for a specific period of time (no longer than indicated in the act). As the name suggests, temporary work is not ultimately related to permanent employment in one place. This type of relationship has three entities: the employee, the employer-user, and the temporary employment agency. The temporary employment agency signs a contract with the employee and directs them to specific work, while the employer-user assigns the employee specific tasks and holds them accountable for them.
What rights does a Temporary Employee have?
A temporary employee has the following rights.
- He receives a salary for his work.
- Is entitled to annual leave (2 days for each month of work for one employer-user).
- He has the right to equal treatment, i.e. he cannot be treated worse in terms of employment conditions than other employees employed by the user employer in similar positions. If he is treated less favourably, he has the right to compensation.
- The employee has the right to use the employer-user’s social facilities as provided for in the employment rules.
What are the responsibilities of a Temporary Employee?
A temporary employee has the following duties.
He or she must conscientiously perform the duties specified in the contract and indicated by the employer-user.
He must adhere to the established work procedures in the company, as well as the rules of social coexistence in the workplace and the rules of protecting the property and interests of the employer. He should also maintain professional secrecy.
Must comply with work regulations and health and safety rules.
In the event of damage caused by an employee, the temporary employment agency may demand reimbursement of the costs incurred for compensation from the employee.
For what period is the contract signed?
In most cases, a temporary employee can be assigned to temporary work for one employer-user for a maximum period of 18 months within 36 consecutive months. This is regulated by the Act on the employment of temporary employees. However, in justified cases (e.g. when the work is performed continuously and the temporary employee replaces an absent employee of the employer-user), it may be 36 months instead of 18.
What should the contract concluded between the Employee and the Temporary Employment Agency specify?
The contract concluded between the employee and the temporary work agency should include the following information.
What type of work will the temporary employee perform, and what qualifications and skills are needed to perform this work in a given position.
What is the expected period of temporary work?
What is the working time of a temporary employee?
What is the place of temporary work?
How much does a temporary employee earn?
How can a temporary employment contract be terminated?
A temporary employment contract expires on the day specified in the contract. However, it can be terminated earlier, e.g. if the employee has not proven themselves in a given position or has stated that the work does not suit them. The temporary employment agency must be notified in writing about the termination of the contract. The notice period is 3 days if the contract was concluded for a period not longer than 2 weeks or 1 week if the contract was concluded for a period longer than 2 weeks.
Is every employee insured?
A temporary worker is always subject to social security and health insurance. However, unlike a regular employment contract, in the case of temporary work it is not the employer who pays the contributions. The payer of the contributions is the temporary employment agency.
Does temporary work count towards your pension?
Yes, the period of employment of an employee under a temporary employment contract is taken into account when determining a pension or disability pension. The entire period of employment of a temporary employee is also included in their length of service.
When taking up temporary work, do I need to deregister with the Employment Office?
Taking on temporary work is equivalent to starting employment. As with a regular employment contract, a temporary employee employed under a temporary employment contract or a civil law contract loses the status of an unemployed person, which means that they must deregister with the Employment Office. This must be done within 7 days of starting employment.
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Where can I find FOLGA job offers?
We try to make our job offers appear regularly in various channels and services. Of course, you will find FOLGA job offers on our website first and foremost - that's where we place all current offers. We are also active on our Facebook page. Finally, we try to publish our offers on an ongoing basis also in the most popular job portals - examples are pracuj.pl or OLX. If you are looking for an offer in a specific industry, you can also contact us directly.
In what sectors does FOLGA offer work?
We try not to impose any limitations on ourselves. We believe that sooner or later we will help every candidate find employment, regardless of the industry they are looking for work in. First of all, we specialize in the following sectors: food, automotive, construction and services, but we approach each client individually. We try to be as flexible as possible.
What should I send in my job application?
If any of our ads interest you, check if your qualifications and skills match the requirements. If so - we are waiting for your CV. When looking for employment in a specific industry, you can also send us your CV directly, without choosing a specific advert. Describe your expectations and qualifications to us - we are sure that we will help you to exist on the job market.
Is it possible to remove my CV from the candidate database?
In accordance with the position of the UODO on the storage of candidate data after the recruitment process is completed, the candidate may at any time request the removal of their CV from the database. All you need to do is send a request to remove the CV from the candidate database. Before sending the request, however, it is worth considering - maybe in the near future, among the FOLGA advertisements there will be a perfect one for you? If we do not have your CV in the database, we will not be able to inform you about it.
How to register with FOLGA as a job seeker?
Applying to FOLGA as a job seeker is very easy. You can do it using the following methods.
• Write us an e-mail at rekrutacja@folga.com.pl – remember to describe your expectations and attach your CV.
• Contact us on Facebook – we try to respond as quickly as possible.
• Complete the form on the website – fill in the appropriate fields, send it and one of our recruiters will definitely contact you shortly.
• Call us – the phone number for our Recruitment Department is: +48 59 725 71 88.
• Write to us using the Contact tab on our website. -
How long does it take to get a job offer?
We treat each advertisement individually. This means that there are no strict time frames. Job offers at FOLGA appear every day - maybe the day after you send your application there will be an offer that you might be interested in? The average waiting time for a job offer is about 2 weeks, but we often contact candidates earlier. Of course, it also happens that it is later.
Why don't you include the employer's name in your ads?
There are several reasons why we do not provide the employer's name in our advertisements. Sometimes our Clients are looking for employees to replace an employee and do not want the person to know about it. Of course, this does not have to mean dismissal, it can also mean promotion or transfer to another position. Some companies also want to hide recruitment from competitors - sometimes the reason is, for example, a new project that few people know about.
Can I apply for more than one job ad?
Of course. We do not limit our candidates – you can apply to as many ads as you want. However, remember that the most important thing is to match your qualifications and skills to the specific requirements of the employer.
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Employee portal
Do you have questions about your job? Do you want to report hours worked or collect PIT?
Go to the Employee Portal!
Recruitment process
Folga supports you at every stage of recruitment
You can apply to us through various channels:
- through an advertisement posted on our website or an external job portal;
- by contacting a recruiter directly (by phone or online);
- via social media;
- by contacting a Recruitment Intermediary cooperating with Us.
Your application is verified for compliance with the requirements of the position you are applying for.
In accordance with the position of the UODO on the storage of candidate data after the recruitment process is completed, the candidate may at any time request the removal of their CV from the database. All you need to do is send a request to remove the CV from the candidate database. Before sending the request, however, it is worth considering - maybe in the near future, among the FOLGA advertisements there will be a perfect one for you? If we do not have your CV in the database, we will not be able to inform you about it.
During this stage, we verify your qualifications and predispositions to work in the selected position. We may ask you to perform competency tests, provide additional documents or conduct follow-up interviews to thoroughly assess your capabilities.
After carefully analyzing all stages of the recruitment process, we make a decision to hire you. If everything goes well, we will invite you to further formal steps.
Once you have accepted a job offer, you will receive support from our Project Coordinator, who will help you through all the formalities and provide detailed information about your future responsibilities.
To meet the formal requirements, we will refer you for preliminary tests. We cooperate with medical facilities that ensure a quick and efficient course of this process.
At this stage, we formalize our arrangements. You will receive a detailed contract that will specify the terms of your work and any additional information, such as salary and benefits.
We prepare you to start work by providing introductory training. Our team will introduce you to your duties, familiarize you with the rules in force in the company and introduce you to your team.
You are starting your new professional adventure! From the very beginning you can count on the support of the Project Coordinator and your team. We believe that together we will achieve success!