FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know

Employee portal

Do you have questions about your job? Do you want to report hours worked or collect PIT?
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Recruitment process

Folga supports you at every stage of recruitment

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    You can apply to us through various channels:

    • through an advertisement posted on our website or an external job portal;
    • by contacting a recruiter directly (by phone or online);
    • via social media;
    • by contacting a Recruitment Intermediary cooperating with Us.
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    Your application is verified for compliance with the requirements of the position you are applying for.

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    In accordance with the position of the UODO on the storage of candidate data after the recruitment process is completed, the candidate may at any time request the removal of their CV from the database. All you need to do is send a request to remove the CV from the candidate database. Before sending the request, however, it is worth considering - maybe in the near future, among the FOLGA advertisements there will be a perfect one for you? If we do not have your CV in the database, we will not be able to inform you about it.

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    During this stage, we verify your qualifications and predispositions to work in the selected position. We may ask you to perform competency tests, provide additional documents or conduct follow-up interviews to thoroughly assess your capabilities.

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    After carefully analyzing all stages of the recruitment process, we make a decision to hire you. If everything goes well, we will invite you to further formal steps.


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    Once you have accepted a job offer, you will receive support from our Project Coordinator, who will help you through all the formalities and provide detailed information about your future responsibilities.


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    To meet the formal requirements, we will refer you for preliminary tests. We cooperate with medical facilities that ensure a quick and efficient course of this process.


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    At this stage, we formalize our arrangements. You will receive a detailed contract that will specify the terms of your work and any additional information, such as salary and benefits.


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    We prepare you to start work by providing introductory training. Our team will introduce you to your duties, familiarize you with the rules in force in the company and introduce you to your team.


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    You are starting your new professional adventure! From the very beginning you can count on the support of the Project Coordinator and your team. We believe that together we will achieve success!